
World-Class Training for Doctors & Therapists
Our Vision Therapy Basics course (Formerly VT 101) comes with personal mentorship, progress quizzes, oral reviews, and written final examinations. All results and summaries are prepared for the managing doctor at the end of the course.
We also offer an Advanced Vision Therapy course (Formerly VT 201) that builds upon the Vision Therapy Basics training. Here we cover advanced topics related to vision therapy. This is particularly a good course for an optometrist wanting to start offering VT in their clinic and need a refresher.
Our Basics and Advanced Vision Therapy courses are 50% off if you are an autoship member. For doctors who are looking for CE credit, we have COPE-certified versions.
We are also proud to announce the addition of Online Sanet Seminar Series. Robert Sanet's internationally renowned live 5-weekend series in San Diego has been professionally recorded and produced by the Joe Lia, the producer of Survivor.
As part of the Online Sanet Seminar Series, you'll receive 600 pages of commentary with graphics and links from acclaimed author and scientist, Dr. Leonard Press, co-author of Applied Concepts in Vision Therapy 2.0. This resource clarifies terms, includes diagrams, and provides in-depth explanations.
Emergent 101 Course

Everything a vision therapist needs to get started
Good review for optometrists
Individual Pricing Only
Individual $995
3 months access
Emergent 201 Course

Next level, deeper dive for vision therapists
All ODs need to get started in VT
Individual and Group
(whole office) pricing available
Individual $1,495/Group $1,800
6 months access
Self-paced online study of internationally renown course by the acclaimed lecturer Robert Sanet, OD, FOVDR with over 500 pages of original commentary by acclaimed author and scientist, Dr. Leonard Press, OD, FOVDR, FAAO.
Purchase stand-alone commentary

Benjamin Winters, OD, FOVDR
Dr. Winters is board-certified in vision development and vision therapy. He started Washington Vision Therapy Center in Yakima, Washington which grew to having over 150 concurrent patients in vision therapy. This growth continued as he helped start 2 more vision therapy clinics in Washington State. His advocacy for children that struggle with life-altering developmental vision problems has included over 100 lectures in colleges, professional groups, parent groups, and schools. He is one of the founders of the Foundation for Vision Therapy Awareness, a non-profit that raises awareness for individuals struggling with vision problems that can be treated through vision therapy.
James Smith, COVT
James Smith, COVT has been a vision therapist for many years and became certified through the Optometric Vision Development and Rehabilitation Association (OVDRA) in 2015. His doctors have often commented on his instinctiveness in patient care and how he is able to connect with patients. Through Emergent, James has worked with hundreds of vision therapists through the Emergent Online Vision Therapy Course. He is currently the chairman of the COVT committee in the OVDRA. His experience and knowledge in vision therapy have led doctors inviting him to come to their clinic and help train their vision therapists. James is a natural teacher and loves helping vision therapists meet their potential.