I have been thinking a lot these past few weeks about how to better train Vision Therapists. It’s a topic that circles back every now and again as most of continue to seek knowledge, and sometimes, ideas will hit me that create a moment or two of pause.
My question to all the Vision Therapists in the land is “what is it within you that has created a need for knowledge?” After all, we all came to understand the benefits of good vergence and accommodation within the first few months of joining this profession. A complete newbie in their second week can operate a Marsden Ball. And those vectogram sliders, well don’t fret friends, my sense is most of us could slide those things with our eyes closed.

The need for knowledge is an interesting concept, and it seems to discriminate based on interest. For instance, one of my patients is very into dinosaurs. Although she is only 7 years old, she can describe the behaviors and desired habitat of each of these mammoth creatures that lived eons ago. Pretty impressive!
By contrast, although I have been alive much longer and undoubtedly have had many, many more opportunities to learn about dinosaurs, the extent of my dinosaur knowledge peaked the day The Flintstones went off the air. Hardly a comparison!
My point in all of this is very simple – where are your interests?
The idea that I have been wrestling with these last several days is our need for knowledge motivated purely by interest? Do I not understand as much about dinosaurs as my 7 year old friend simply because of differing interest levels?
As I continue to ponder this idea, and as I work to gauge your interests, consider the Advanced Vision Therapy Course offered by Emergent. This course is designed to provide next level training for doctors and Vision Therapists in the comfort of their own homes or offices. For anyone interested in learning and growing their VT skills, this course is an excellent option to consider. It truly holds value for doctors and therapists, alike.
You can find more information I this, and all educational materials offered by Emergent, HERE.